40-70% of children born prematurely experiencing feeding problems. Feeding human milk and chestfeeding is definitely possible but parents need help assessing baby's needs and creating a feeding plan which is sustainable and respects the needs of everyone in the family.
Too often, feeding plans are much too complex and time consuming for parents and lead to exhaustion, stress, and impair bonding and recovery.
An efficient and effective feeding plan includes incorporating both parent and infant's needs and works towards the parent's feeding goals.
It's a marathon with these babies as their feeding ability is limited by their development. When parents understand that the issue is mostly one of time, it helps parents to connect with their baby where they are right now.
There are so many feeding tools...pumps, shields, shells, supplemental systems, and approximately a million bottles to choose from! What each baby needs is unique. An IBCLC experienced with premature and late preterm infants can evaluate and help you come up with a plan which is doable and enjoyable!
Safe feeding
Confidence building
Whole family support
Respecting development
You aren't in this alone. Your Lactation Consultant is here to help.